5 Things to Do This Fall in Northport

Shandra Martinez

| 2 min read

Northport is a village that sits on the northern tip of the Leelanau Peninsula along the shore of Grand Traverse Bay. The Northern Michigan community is known for its marina, natural beauty, village atmosphere and rich maritime history.
Grand Traverse Lighthouse and Museum. The iconic lighthouse, one of the oldest on the Great Lakes, sits at the tip of the Leelanau Peninsula, which separates Lake Michigan and Grand Traverse Bay. The lighthouse and museum are open during the summer and fall. You can walk through the restored keeper’s dwelling and climb the lighthouse tower for a spectacular view of Lake Michigan, Cathead Bay, Grand Traverse Bay and the Manitou Passage. You can also explore the fog signal building, where you can tour the shipwreck exhibition and drive the remote operated vehicle.
Leelanau State Park. This park showcases the Grand Traverse Lighthouse Museum, a rustic campground, mini cabins, the park’s trail system, an interactive playground and a picnic area with a pavilion. The park is divided into two sections a few miles apart. The northern unit encompasses the day-use area, lighthouse and rustic campground.
Christmas Cove. This local park offers 200 feet of beach frontage along the shore of Lake Michigan. To find this hidden gem, you have to drive through the farmland and turn down a steep hill in the woods. You’ll be rewarded with a swatch of Lake Michigan that has stunning teal blue waters that look tropical.
Kehl Lake. Century-old hemlocks and old-growth white pines surround this lake, providing food and cover for wildlife, particularly birds, and contributing to the lake’s exceptional water quality. Close to Lake Michigan, Kehl Lake is part of a critical flyway for migrating birds and is part of an extensive wildlife corridor of protected lands at the tip of the peninsula. The 2-mile trail network includes a viewing platform over marshland for bird watching.
Green Bird Cellars. This 67-acre family farm on the Leelanau Peninsula produces organic wines, hard ciders and sangria. You can shop the farm’s seasonal farm produce, take private owner-led tours of the vineyard and farm, and visit the Green Bird Cellars tasting room to sample estate-grown wines, handcrafted hard ciders and locally made microbrews.
There’s lots to see and do in Northport in the fall. Check out the highlights in this video.
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