How to Cook Quinoa

| 2 min read

How to Cook Quinoa on the Stovetop
Total Time:
15 minutes
Prep Time:
5 minutes
Cooking Difficulty:
Serving Amount
1 cup white quinoa
2 cups water or broth
salt, if desired
Step 1
Rinse the quinoa under cool water using a fine-mesh strainer for about 30 seconds. There are certain substances in the coating of quinoa, called saponins, that can impart a bitter flavor. Rinsing helps remove any residual saponins. Let the water drain while you prepare the pot of water.
Step 2
Add 2 cups of water or broth for every cup of quinoa to the pot, then bring the mixture to a boil. Once it’s boiling, add the drained quinoa and cover the pot.
Step 3
After the pot has reached its boiling point, reduce the heat to medium-low and let the pot simmer for 10 to 15 minutes.
Step 4
You’ll know the quinoa is done when all the liquid is absorbed, and the seeds have turned slightly translucent and tender. Remove from the heat and let it sit covered for an additional 10 minutes.
Step 5
After a few minutes, you can fluff the quinoa with a fork before serving.
How to Cook Quinoa in a Rice Cooker
Total Time:
15 minutes
Prep Time:
5 minutes
Cooking Difficulty:
Serving Amount
1 cup white quinoa
13⁄4 cup water or broth
salt, if desired
Step 1
Rinse the quinoa under cool water using a fine-mesh strainer for about 30 seconds, then let it drain.
Step 2
For every 1 cup of uncooked quinoa, use 1 ¾ cups of water in a rice cooker. Scoop the rinsed quinoa into your rice cooker and add 1 3⁄4 cups of cold water. Using hot water can give quinoa a gummy texture. Optionally, you can stir in salt as it cooks.
Step 3
Put the lid on your rice cooker and turn it on. If your rice cooker has separate settings for white and brown rice, choose the white rice option. Both white rice and quinoa need about 15 to 30 minutes to cook.
Step 4
After cooking, keep the lid on the rice cooker and unplug the machine. The quinoa will finish steaming as it rests.
Step 5
After about 5 minutes, lift the lid and fluff the quinoa gently with a fork. Fluffing the quinoa will loosen any pieces that are stuck together, giving your quinoa a lighter texture. Serve as is or incorporate quinoa into other dishes.