Going gluten free? Here are three things to consider
Adriane Davis
| 2 min read
Going gluten free has quickly become the latest craze in dieting. Gluten free versions of almost everything are popping up on store shelves, even restaurants are crafting special menu items excluding gluten. People who have gone gluten free notice a boost in energy and weight loss, but is this diet right for you? If you are thinking about going gluten free here are some things you should consider.
Are you sensitive to gluten?
People who have celiac disease or are intolerant to gluten can experience a host of different symptoms; the most common include skin rashes, brain fog, joint pain, and digestive problems. If you aren’t sure if you have a sensitivity to gluten consult your doctor with any symptoms you may be experiencing.
Are you trying to boost energy?
There have been claims that simply cutting gluten out of your diet will boost your energy levels, but if you don’t have a gluten intolerance, you may not notice a significant boost in energy. Cutting gluten from your diet means getting rid of many foods that make up a daily source of nutrition, which can be very unhealthy for many people. Foods containing gluten are high in vitamin B, zinc, magnesium, and calcium. To make up for this loss of nutrients, adding more fruits and vegetables will be necessary and can result in boosted energy levels.
Are you trying to lose weight?
If you are going gluten free to lose weight, then cutting out bread, cookies, pasta, and beer could help you lose weight. But be careful, gluten free products that are on store shelves tend to have higher fat and calorie contents because extracting gluten forces manufacturers to use fats and sugars as a substitute. When going gluten free try not to substitute gluten free cookies for regular cookies, ir you may not see the results you’re looking for.
Going gluten free the right way
- Focus on what you can eat and avoid things that you can’t
- Become a food label expert
- Fill up your fridge with things that are naturally gluten free like fruits, vegetables, nuts, meat and dairy
- Follow gluten free blogs and explore gluten free recipes
As with any diet, please consult your doctor before making a dramatic adjustment, get all the facts and understand the risks.
Photo credit: David Blaikie