5 Things to Do This Summer on Mackinac Island

Shandra Martinez

| 2 min read

Mackinaw Island Town View
Mackinac Island is one of the country’s most famous islands. Situated in Lake Huron between Michigan’s Upper and Lower peninsulas, this island takes people back in time with its horse-drawn carriages and bicycles instead of motor vehicles, elegant Victorian homes, and fudge shops.
Grand Hotel: This National Historic Landmark, built in 1887, can be seen from the ferry boats making their way to the islands. Guests can sit in white rocking chairs on the world’s longest front porch, taking in the view. The iconic hotel is known for Old World hospitality, from afternoon tea in the parlor to dressing up for elegant dinners and dancing. Not surprisingly, the Grand Hotel is a popular wedding destination.
Arch Rock: The most famous of the limestone formations on the island is Arch Rock, which towers above the water, stretching more than 50 feet across. The base is a popular stop for visitors during their 8-mile pilgrimage around the island, whether by foot, carriage or bike. It’s also one of the island’s most romantic spots, providing a picture-perfect backdrop for marriage proposals.
Fort Mackinac: Part of Mackinac Island State Park, this historic fort was built in 1780 by the British during the American Revolutionary War to control the strategic Straits of Mackinac. You can explore the walled cluster of military buildings on a coastal bluff that offers extraordinary views of the shimmering water surrounding the island.
Mackinac Island Carriage Tours: Beautiful horses pull carriages and wagons full of visitors around the island. Most island carriage tours take under two hours. You can even take your dog on this ride through history
Mackinac Island Fudge: The island has been known for its fudge since its transition from the center of the fur trade into a summer resort destination. The early Victorian-era vacationers began to identify the island with sweets, and soon fudge became their favorite.
There’s lots to see and do on Mackinac Island in the summer. Check out the highlights in this video .
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