Healthy Holidays

Healthy Holidays

Social Media Can Put a Damper on Your Holiday Spirit

If scrolling and swiping makes you feel less than festive, don’t let social media put a damper on your holiday celebrations.

Healthy Holidays

5 Ways to Celebrate Hanukkah in Detroit

Celebrate the Jewish “festival of lights” by attending one or more of these five Hanukkah celebrations happening in or around Detroit.

Menorah in the D
Healthy Holidays

8 Ways to Stop Holiday Stress Before It Starts

The holidays are as stressful as they are joyous. When it comes to shopping, traveling, decorating and family time, here are ways to mitigate the stress.

5 Ways to Stop Holiday Stress Before It Starts  
Healthy Holidays

Sustainable Holiday Gift Guide 

Ready to save money and go easy on the Earth this season? Buy your friends and family sustainable gifts.

Smiling young woman wrapping Christmas presents with recycled paper
Healthy Holidays

The Benefits of Crafting Handmade Gifts

Take a break from the normal holiday shopping routine while being kind to the environment at the same time by making handmade, DIY gifts. Here are some ideas.

Healthy Holidays

Rethink Thanksgiving Leftovers with These Recipes 

Leftovers are nice, but after a few meals of Thanksgiving turkey, it might be time to spice things up. Here are some delicious ways to do that.

Turkey tacos
Healthy Holidays

Activities for Holiday Fun with Your Kids

Children make the holidays brighter. Make sure you set aside some special activities just for them, like the five ideas listed here.

Cute 5 years old girl making cookies for Christmas with her mom.
Healthy Holidays

When to Take Down Your Christmas Tree

Do you love to let the holidays linger? When is the right time to take down your Christmas tree?

Healthy Holidays

The Stress-Free Way to Host a Huge Family Gathering

There's a lot to juggle when setting out to host a family gathering. Before you host yours, give these five tips a glance.

Healthy Holidays

Winter Break Activities in West Michigan

Step into a warm-water splash zone, join a museum mini camp, or skate away through a lighted forest trail. Winter Break activities are all about adventure. 

Healthy Holidays

Michigan Bucket List: Christmas Light Displays

One of the best Michigan winter activities is visiting one of the many extravagant Christmas light displays. Here are some of our favorites.

Healthy Holidays

Advice for Coping with Holiday Blues

Contributor Monica Drake shares what you can do if the holidays aren’t feeling so joyful right now.

woman poses in a Santa hat while feeling sad with the holiday blues
Healthy Holidays

Healthier Holiday Desserts: 2 Recipes to Try

The holidays are hectic enough. Minimize your time spent in the kitchen by trying these recipes for a four-ingredient peanut butter cookie and dairy-free pie crust.

Holiday cookies
Healthy Holidays

Healthy & Affordable Gifts to Give this Holiday Season

Stressed out over holiday gift-giving? Fear not: We’ve brainstormed healthy finds that fit all budgets and personalities.

Healthy Holidays

Michigan Bucket List: Christmas Markets

Christmas Markets add a sparkle to the holiday experience. Here is a list of some of the markets taking place across Michigan this season.

Healthy Holidays

Real vs. Artificial Trees: What’s Best for You? 

It comes down to personal choice, but there’s a lot to consider when deciding between a real Christmas tree and an artificial one.

A boy with Downs syndrome decorates a Christmas tree
Healthy Holidays

3 Ways to Avoid Overeating During the Holidays

Holidays can mean overeating to the point of stretchy pants and undoing some waistband buttons. But they don’t have to.

Healthy Holidays

Michigan Bucket List: Outdoor Ice Skating Rinks

If you love ice skating, you’ll want to check out these outdoor ice skating rinks and enjoy this fun winter activity.

Healthy Holidays

Diabetes-Friendly Thanksgiving Ideas

Enjoying food-centered holidays can be a real challenge for people with diabetes but there are ways to make these traditional gatherings more diabetes-friendly.

Healthy Holidays

10 Ways to Make Thanksgiving Side Dishes More Nutritious

It’s time to push aside the gravy boats and heavy sauces for healthier holiday options.

Healthy Holidays

3 Healthy and Seasonal Thanksgiving Side Dishes

Fiber-rich root vegetables and crucifers stretch their seasonality into November, making them favorites around the Thanksgiving table. Check out these three recipes.

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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