Spider Web Apple Pops

Shanthi Appelo, MS, RD

| 1 min read

Making these spooky treats is a great crafty family activity with a delicious aftermath. Naturally sweet Honeycrisp apple slices are lightly dipped in a dark chocolate, then drizzled with white chocolate to form a festive webbed pattern.

Total Time:

20 minutes

Prep Time:

10 minutes

Cooking Difficulty:


Serving Amount
  • 4 Honeycrisp apples

  • popsicle sticks

  • 12 cup dark chocolate chips (60% cocoa)

  • 14 cup white chocolate chips

  • Step 1

    Slice apples into 1/2-inch thick slices. 

  • Step 2

    Place a popsicle stick into the bottom of the apple slices. Skip the piece with the core. 

  • Step 3

    Add white and dark chocolate chips to separate microwavable safe bowls and microwave at 1-minute intervals, stirring each time until melted. 

  • Step 4

    Add the white chocolate to a small plastic zipped bag and cut a small triangle from the corner to use as a piping bag.

  • Step 5

    Dip the top of the apple pops in dark chocolate, then use the white chocolate bag to draw spiderwebs. Add pops to a parchment paper-lined plate and place in the fridge until hardened.

A Healthier Michigan is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
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